
Increase the conversion/customer satisfaction by a personalized Facebook Message by the Bot when a user comments/likes on your page - How to reply to a like/comment automatically with an Intelligence behind

How much was the conversion by your Bot - Custom Events Logging in FB Analytics for your AI Intents - Create an end to end Funnel for your AI Intents

Hybrid Bot - Bot to Human Transfer - When things cannot be handled by a bot , they can be handled by a human agent - How to do ?

Make your AI Bot experience closer to a user friendly NLP experience - Simulate a real conversation - Understand context, Intent, Follow Up intents - using Dialog Flow (API.AI)

Assisted Conversation via Persistent Menu is the best for keeping conversation meaningful

Auto Initiate Context Based Chat using FB ref param - in SMS or link with context/campaign

Google Cloud Vision - OCR (Read text from an Image ) with Node JS and Heroku

Audio Feedback Capture by AI Bots - A typing free alternate for customer feedback - FBM