How much was the conversion by your Bot - Custom Events Logging in FB Analytics for your AI Intents - Create an end to end Funnel for your AI Intents

Today, there are lot of options for the bot analytics. Many people use dashbot, chatbase, botanalytics etc.
But for a FB Messenger Bot, it is advisable to use the FB analytics with an obvious reason of not logging events in two different platforms.The logging in FB makes it easy for the business users to see the information all inside FB , without opening another GUI or platform.

Business Case : You have custom intents in your AI platform, and your FB Bot transaction flow needs to know which all intents were involved during the entire conversation from the start and until the closure of a particular conversation.

You need it to make a funnel/cohort and achieve the conversion percentage achieved by the bot. In our case, the custom events are mapped to the custom intents for the business flows

You might also need this to settle your commercial transaction based agreements , in case you are into bot development .

Pre-requisisite : You have basic knowledge of FB analytics or any analytics and Node JS.

Solution : By reading and understanding the FB documentation, following are the steps to achieve and log your custom events or your AI intents as analytic events.
The video below will show you the code and how the events will appear in FB.
1. Make a generic function for your page to post the custom events, so that you can reuse it every time.
2. Call this function in your webhook, to log the event wherever and whenever needed.

Check out the video below to see the code and output

