Assisted Conversation via Persistent Menu is the best for keeping conversation meaningful

Persistent menu is one of the way to have a controlled conversation and more constructive to close useful point to point conversations.

It can assist the users and keep them focused for the services that can be offered by the bot.
This technique is not the best for NLP conversational bots, but is the best for specific businesses.

Many people find it difficult to use the facebook documentation. Reason being many people are new and need a simpler clarification.

You will find it on FB documents about how to do it, but for layman. I will show in two screenshots, how to do it.

Tool to use : POSTMAN or any other tool, you are comfortable to use. I have used POSTMAN 

  • Set the type as POST.
  • Get your FB page access token from FB App you created for your bot.
  • Below is the simple step to add persistent menu and the output.

The output will look like :
