First Time SetUp using PiBakery - Raspberry PI - Without any connection to Raspberry PI, Without Keyboard, Without Screen, Without Router

People have a challenge to set up Raspberry PI first time.
You might not have a screen, keyboard, network cable etc.
Here is my hands on way  via PiBakery, and you just need a laptop.

  • PiBakery is a tool that helps you burn the SD card with the needed setup for PI
  • And then simply insert the card in PI.
  • PiBakery allows you to have a GUI based setup image.
  • Below screenshots will help you to see what all you can do with PIBakery.
  • In general, you can configure
    • Every boot setup - e.g. some cron jobs, some other things you want to do on every boot.
    • First boot setup - e.g. installing some packages for the first time, setting up WiFi username password, enable VNC (remote viewer) etc.
You can drag and drop the steps and attach to either "Every Boot" or "First time boot" as per your need.
Write the SD card - and thats it !
Below screenshots will give you clear idea of how to do it, it is very simple to use but very very useful to setup the PI.

