Evaluation for your project for using or not using blockchain is quintessential.
With the current hype around it, it becomes more important to know when not to use blockchain.
Following will help you out easily about when not to use
1. Anti transparent processes - If you are trying to use block chain for a project where the information has to be confidential due to a valid reason. You are thinking against the principle of blockchain which supports "transparency". e.g. consider regulations for data privacy. Think of a question like "Is the leaking of this data in encrypted form allowed?".
2. Huge data involved - if you are trying to use blockchain for a project that involves huge static data or data that is large. It is not a good idea.Replication factor will overkill the solution , and another technical solution is advisable.
3. Frequent rule changes - If your process rules are pretty dynamic , it is not a good idea to use block chain because a Smart contract once initiated doesnt change the execution path.
4. Third party data collection/services involved - smart contract does not currently initiate the retrieval of external data. Instead, one or more trusted parties ("oracles") must create a transaction which embeds that data in the chain. This data is often gathered and stored in a traditional database by the oracle. Any interaction between a blockchain and the outside world is restricted to regular database operations.
These 4 pointers may help you out to ponder over certain aspects.
With the current hype around it, it becomes more important to know when not to use blockchain.
Following will help you out easily about when not to use
1. Anti transparent processes - If you are trying to use block chain for a project where the information has to be confidential due to a valid reason. You are thinking against the principle of blockchain which supports "transparency". e.g. consider regulations for data privacy. Think of a question like "Is the leaking of this data in encrypted form allowed?".
2. Huge data involved - if you are trying to use blockchain for a project that involves huge static data or data that is large. It is not a good idea.Replication factor will overkill the solution , and another technical solution is advisable.
3. Frequent rule changes - If your process rules are pretty dynamic , it is not a good idea to use block chain because a Smart contract once initiated doesnt change the execution path.
4. Third party data collection/services involved - smart contract does not currently initiate the retrieval of external data. Instead, one or more trusted parties ("oracles") must create a transaction which embeds that data in the chain. This data is often gathered and stored in a traditional database by the oracle. Any interaction between a blockchain and the outside world is restricted to regular database operations.
These 4 pointers may help you out to ponder over certain aspects.
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